Cutting Overgrown Dog Nails

We Cut Overgrown Dog's Nails

Cutting Overgrown Dog Nails

Sooner or later, the dog nails would be overgrown and need to be clipped and/or trimmed. Dogs with less outdoor activities may grow their nails faster as they don’t have anything to dig. It’s no longer a secret that cutting overgrown dog nails could be very difficult and tricky. Here are some factors you should ensure when cutting overgrown nails on your dog:

Get The Best Tools

First of all, you should get the best tools for cutting overgrown dog nails from the pet shop. These include the nail clipper, nail trimmer, and nail grinder designed for dogs. Always use the best quality tools to cut your dog nails and avoid OEM or fake products. You can get some recommendations from groomers or simply look for the best dog nail clipper set in the marketplace. It should be sharp, made from quality materials, and specifically designed for dogs to provide a clean cut. When it comes to grinder, take the ones with low noise and low vibration so it won’t make your dog anxious during the process.

The Correct Way

Cutting your dog’s nail requires the correct method and adequate time to proceed. If you’re in a rush, it’s better to skip it and look for another time. The process could be tricky and risky as you may damage the nail or even make them bleed as you falsely perform the procedure. You can start by trimming the paw fur so you can clearly see the nails and figure out the quick point while keeping them away from the grinder. Take your time and always refer to the safest way of cutting overgrown dog nails when proceeding.


The most important thing about cutting overgrown dog nails is preparation. You should prepare the tools on the spot and ensure you can find clipper, grinder, trimmer, treats, and other tools around. Dedicate a period of time to acknowledge the correct way. Cutting your dog’s nails isn’t like cooking where you can perform tasks promptly with the instruction. Take a simulation as a part of your preparation before performing the cuts for real. Remember, a professional groomer has gone through hours of training and services so they can perform a clean cut.

Right Measurements

The next thing you should ensure is the measurements of the dog’s nail. When you’re cutting overgrown dog nails on your own, you should ensure not cutting them too short. What’s defined as overgrown is the length where the nails scratch the floor as the dog walk. So, you only compensate slightly below that measured length but don’t go too far. You can injure your dog just for clipping the quick nail as it’s cut too short.

Disposition of The Dog

You should take the dog’s disposition into account when cutting their nails. You should control the environment to be comfortable and conducive. Cutting nails can only be done when your dog is calmed. Don’t force proceeding when your dog looks nervous, stressed, or anxious. Whenever they show good behavior when cutting nails, give them treat. Even a professional groomer takes some time to determine the best approach on particular dogs.

Quick Point

A quick point or quick nail is the point where you shouldn’t go further. You can figure out this point as you methodically, gradually grind the nails. Actually it’s the lowest point, as if you’ve reached the comfortable length before it shows up, you can just stop. The quick point is hardly seen on black nails, so you would have to be extremely careful.

Regular Grooming by Professional

Sometimes, the obstacles to cutting overgrown dog nails could be unbearable. You might have reached the point where you can’t cut your dog’s nail at all. At this point, you should take professional help from the groomer. If your dog is regularly groomed, then you wouldn’t have to cut the nails on your own as the service already include it. If you see the overgrown nails show up more quickly than expected, you can contact the groomer for a one-off nail clipping service. A professional groomer has the best approach and skills to cleanly clip your dog’s nails. You can rest assured with the high safety measures and consistent quality they can provide.

To learn more about our services and how we can keep your dog groomed, go to our Homepage. To read more, read our blog. We service the whole Houston Metro, find your Location or simply Contact Us. We are glad to help with your dog grooming needs!